
The best way to know if you need electrical repair in Orlando is by educating yourself through trustworthy sources. Bright Future Electric is the resource for you.


If you’re not an experienced electrician, it can be difficult to recognize a potential electrical problem. In this blog, we will discuss the three most common signs that you need electrical repair in Orlando and who you should contact for help.


One: Frequently Tripping Circuit Breakers

A circuit breaker is an important safety feature in any home electrical system. There are a few reasons that your circuit breaker may trip:

  • A short circuit is an electrical circuit that allows current to flow with very limited resistance. It is usually caused by a hot wire coming into contact with a neutral wire in appliances or other devices.
  • A ground fault occurs when a malfunctioning circuit causes the electrical current to flow down a path outside of its intended travel. This makes a ground fault especially dangerous since a human in contact with the wiring could be the path of least resistance for the traveling current.
  • An overloaded circuit occurs when more electricity is drawn than the circuit wiring is rated to handle. Multiple appliances connected to the same circuit can cause it to become overloaded, which is why many property owners choose to install new, dedicated circuits for high-demand appliances and devices.


If your circuit breakers are continuously tripping, you will want to contact a professional electrician for electrical repair in Orlando. Your electrician can test your system for short circuits or ground faults and make any necessary repairs. This is also the perfect opportunity to explore any system upgrades.


Two: Dimming Lights

If the lights in your home have been flickering or dimming, there could be a few explanations. A bad light bulb is a possible cause or perhaps you have a loose connection between the switch and a plug. It’s also not unusual for lights to dim briefly if a large appliance like your air conditioner kicks on.


If the dimming or flickering is happening consistently, you may need electrical repair in Orlando. One of the more serious causes of dimming lights is outdated wiring combined with loose connections. These loose connections in an outlet, switch, or fixture can lead to electrical arcing, which occurs when the current is forced to travel over gaps in the wiring, risking an electrical fire. 


A recent NFPA report estimates that 67% of residential fires caused by lighting equipment or electrical distribution are caused by faulty wiring. This is aElectrical Repair in Orlando serious problem that you need a professional electrician to take care of.


Three: Burning Odors And Discolored Outlets

Short circuits can give off heat that can leave scorch marks and discoloration on your outlets. An outlet that is discolored or gives off a burning odor should not be used. If you see this in your home, immediately turn off the corresponding breaker to the outlet and contact an electrician to address the problem

When you need electrical repair in Orlando, Bright Future Electric is the full-service electrician for you. Contact us today to get your next project started.